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Boots on the Ground
Squad Up

Get into the Test Range and try out new weapons and loadouts.

Clan Battles

Check out other Members to see who is in your time zone so you can Squad up and play at the same time.

Check out Map layouts to see what main Objectives are to be captured first.

Find out when up coming Clan Battles are and Results of past Clan Battles.

Welcome to The Operators Website. You are here because you are passionate and deadicated. Requirments are that you attend one meeting a week, unless you have contacted a leader as to why you can not attend. We are holding two group meeting on Wednesday and Saturday every week. Core Units have spicific night which they will practice on. Please check under Core to see where you have been placed and what night you need to be on for a metting. Every other Wednesday will be free play night where you can play, and just goof off, have fun and get to know the people in the OP.

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